Join Rietta and Carla as they explore The Three Realms of This, That and the Other

The official weblog for the epic Fairy-Tale Fantasy Adventure by Remy Dean with Zel Cariad.


Friday 31 August 2018

Welcome to the Three Realms

Part of the fun and adventure of being an author is getting to research all sorts of subjects that I find really fascinating. Folklore and hearsay interest me, how the myths and legends of the past affect our world today. I love telling stories that hover somewhere in the hinterland between reality and imagination, fact and fantasy, whilst scratching at the surface of a truth.

This epic story, that will be told across the three volumes of This, That and the Other, takes place across the three corresponding realms and whilst I've been thinking and writing about this, I have come across many myths and ideologies, throughout history and from all over the world, that have this idea of three realms, or three states of being...  

So, I wrote an article for Folklore Thursday about some of the inspiration behind This, That and the Other:

by Remy Dean


[...and you can read some more Folklore Thursday articles by Remy Dean HERE]